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Download free Dysmantle

Release Date: 2021

Genre: Action, Indie, Adventures, RPG, Simulator

Developer: 10tons Ltd

Publisher: 10tons Ltd

Interface language: English, Russian (Multi5)

Voiceover language: English




"Dysmantle" invites you into a world where destruction is not just encouraged, but essential for survival. Set in a post-apocalyptic landscape, this sandbox action-adventure game challenges players to reclaim the remnants of civilization by dismantling everything in their path. 

Armed with an array of improvised weapons and tools, you'll explore the desolate island, unraveling its mysteries while systematically disassembling structures, machinery, and even the creatures that stand in your way. Every object holds potential resources, from scraps of metal to rare components needed for crafting and upgrading your gear.

But it's not just about destruction; strategic planning is key. Manage your resources wisely, choose your battles carefully, and adapt to the ever-changing environment as you uncover the truth behind the cataclysm that befell this world.

With its immersive gameplay, richly detailed world, and a sense of freedom that encourages exploration and experimentation, "Dysmantle" offers a unique experience where survival means embracing the chaos and rebuilding from the ruins. Are you ready to dismantle the old world and forge a new one in its wake?

☑ Operating system: Vista (x64)+
☑ Processor: 2.0 GHz or faster
☑ Graphics Accelerator: Support SHADER MODEL 3.0
☑ Free space on HDD: 1.3 GB

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